A Website Content Topic Hub
The topic is pretty clear “Website Content”. The process of developing content for a website is not so clear.
Content Strategy for a website matters because a great deal of wasted time and energy is avoidable. Human nature is to be as inclusive as possible and write for all possible visitors, instead of writing for each of them separately.
It is an automation tool, a qualification tool, a self service sales conversation, and ultimately a ‘decision engine’. A place for visitors to decide to make contact.
Website Content Strategy
What is a website for?
Are you looking to create new business, advertising revenue or promote an agenda? If you want to attract visitors with the content, how do you maximise the results. The right content wins.
Planning Website Content
What goes where?
The website content architecture is part ‘user experience’, and in part developing a framework where visitors can answer most of their questions before talking to you.
Website Content Design
How to meet the needs of the visitor.
The design of content is both how it looks and how it works. The philosophy is to anticipate the needs of different visitors at different times. We can look at what they ask us (search terms), or we can figure it out by asking them.
Types of Content