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Keyword Training
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, we believe that keywords are the window to your audiences seen through tiny lenses. Each keyword is a small incomplete fragment, that when combined give you power.
Nobody ever tells you who your audiences actually are, the ones who are already being identified by your site.
Well, keywords can. All we need to do is listen carefully.
SEO is only half the battle.
There is absolutely no point getting traffic clicks from people that don’t do anything.
Keywords tell you more than you realise. When we stop ignoring our website visitors, stop blogging into the ether, are more purposeful with the content, it works better.
Understanding search traffic as a whole, which is what we call Search Audiences, will tell you whether you can get more from your website and attract new business. And then it will tell you how to do it.
Find out whether people are searching for you and your products, and make a plan to serve them.
Why our keyword training
After many years of running Search Marketing campaigns for all types of projects, we want to share the learning. As our special interest, we spent years codifying the patterns we see in all keywords that can guide us all to write for our audiences and develop our website to match.
We have measured keywords for years and see where the value is.
But, to the point, we know which keywords work and why they work before you start. Knowing volumes of keywords are irrelevant; current software tools ignore the true nature of keywords and ‘search audiences’.
The words and the people behind them are more important than the numbers.
The smaller the sub audience, the more valuable, and is often ignored by the competition. Focus on the decisions those people want to make next.
Then, when you get clarity on how to help them, finally, you can build better websites because you see the whole picture.
We’ll help you develop those skills.
Seeing your whole audience is powerful
As writers, we want to appeal to the whole audience. Why?
Because it is way more profitable to deliver content that matches different people and their needs at different stages of their journey.
Understanding the “topic search audience” is more valuable than understanding single keywords. You can serve individuals better if you know where they are going next.
Many of those buying decision journeys are longer than we might like. So go the whole way with your visitors, don’t just meet some of them at one destination. Have your content work together as a guide.
How to learn keywords
We show you how to find free sources for your keywords.
Map your topic
Individual keywords are fragments, like pieces of a broken jug. When we glue them together, we don’t have to guess what audiences are interested in when as a group, they show us the whole pitcher.
The richness of detail is startling at times. With a complete pitcher, our plans hold water.
Seeing the audience together is powerful, be more inclusive, serve them all
See the different audiences in the words
When you can see who you are talking to it makes it easier to connect with them. Niches concentrate the mind and add value for our visitors.
Learn the different types of words that separate the audiences for us.
Understand what they want
This is the real key to everything in web marketing. The type of content we need changes as we each get closer to our different goals.
The keywords people use directly match those two extremes and each stage in between. Search engines are the only place I have ever seen where people identify their stage in the buying journey.
Match your website content architecture
When you understand the different tasks each audience has, you build content to match and help them. Then you can organise it so that people click without thinking.
Typically blogs are a sign of a wasted opportunity for topic related hubs
Simple techniques, anyone can do it
This is nothing to do with SEO techno mumbo jumbo
Matching the intent of the searcher with the words on the page
Problems solved
The mish mash and mismatch of visitor and content is rife. The same audience needs different content at different stages.
Keyword Wheels and Buyers Journeys
It’s like learning to open a safe.
How to proceed
Before you commit, let us know your website and topic, and we’ll tell you what we think you can achieve.
Join the search training for business owners, marketers & writers
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Cras id condimentum justo
Integer vehicula risus lectus, ut rutrum elit mattis congue. Nam porttitor, massa id convallis cursus, dolor orci auctor leo, vel mollis eros massa non neque. Fusce porttitor tincidunt dui et congue.
Cras id condimentum justo
Integer vehicula risus lectus, ut rutrum elit mattis congue. Nam porttitor, massa id convallis cursus, dolor orci auctor leo, vel mollis eros massa non neque. Fusce porttitor tincidunt dui et congue.